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Mailing list information

Please note : A mailing list works by you signing up, following the instructions for a given site. One activated, you will start to begin receiving e-mail. HOW IT WORKS:
Mail sent to this address (example : carstuff@horsepower.com) is delivered to everyone who's signed up. So if you sign up, someone who sends mail to carstuff@horsepower.com will, in effect, be mailing you (along with a LOT of others).

When a site has a mailing list, it is a VERY useful resource for information for your make and model. Many people on the list have years (or even decades, depending on the model) of experience maintaining, modifying, racing, and owning the particular model. Other list members are new to either cars in general, or new to that specific car.

Keep in mind that when you mail to the list, you are mailing to upwards of 500 (or more, depending on the list) people that will read YOUR letter. Please be considerate and put an appropriate subject line on your letter, and keep off-list topics to a minimum (generally ZERO). General car questions are OK (like how often should I change my oil? - Doesn't apply to a specific model, but it IS a valid question).

Dave Lum - webmaster WWW.DATSUNS.COM
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